Spaces of Oblivion

An exhibition exploring 1970s Skopje's modernist architecture through a blend of traditional and digital artworks. Preserving unique interiors, fostering a deeper connection with the architectural legacy of the era.
Project image

"Spaces of Oblivion" unveils a focused exploration into the modernist architectural spirit of the 1970s in Skopje, encapsulated through a compelling series of sixty artworks, blending traditional acrylics on canvas with innovative digital techniques. Initiated in 2017, this project seeks to preserve and spotlight the unique interiors of public institutions from an era whose aesthetic and cultural significance is often overshadowed in contemporary discourse.

This exhibition, beyond being a mere display of art, was intricately planned and executed to ensure that each element, from the spatial arrangement to the design of promotional and informational materials, resonates with the thematic core of the series. The project's holistic approach was aimed at fostering a deeper connection between the viewer and the architectural subjects of the artworks. By mirroring the geometric precision and the minimalist elegance of modernist design in the exhibition's layout, poster, and catalogue, the project transcends traditional viewing experiences. It engages audiences in a dialogue with the past, encouraging an immersive journey through the spatial narratives immortalized in the paintings.

The poster and catalogue were not mere ancillary components but integral to the exhibition's narrative, crafted with meticulous attention to detail. They embody the project's ethos, serving as physical and conceptual extensions of the artworks themselves. These materials, with their deliberate design choices, complement the exhibition's ambiance and enhance the viewer's understanding and appreciation of the depicted spaces.

Furthermore, the exhibition's spatial design was conceptualized to echo the architectural qualities explored in the paintings, creating a cohesive and immersive environment. This thoughtful arrangement allowed visitors to experience a semblance of walking through the very buildings portrayed, deepening the engagement with the artworks and the architectural themes they explore.

In essence, "Spaces of Oblivion" is a multifaceted project that not only showcases the artistic vision but also acts as a conduit for revisiting and reevaluating the architectural legacy of Skopje's modernist era. Through the synergistic relationship between the artworks, the exhibition layout, and the design of the poster and catalogue, the project offers a profound experience, inviting viewers to connect with and reflect on the nuanced histories of the spaces that shape our collective memory.

Find more on the following link.